Photo Retouching
Have you
ever taken the perfect photo, but then after it is developed or
downloaded, you discover
that there
is a telephone pole growing out of your horse's back, a bush sprouting
from his nose, and the
wind blew his mane up, at just the wrong time? Well, I can help.
I can make some adjustments
to your photo and make your horse's photo picture perfect! Well,
maybe not Perfect, but I can help make it better....
Below are many examples of changes to a photo to make it better...
I took
this picture, but I had
poor lighting, and a few background problems. This photo was done
a long time ago, and was my first attempt at removing people!

How many changes can you see??

There are over 10 changes.
Can you see them all?
I can also create really neat images from digital photos. Here is a
banner I created from photos of some of my stallions.

I can create banners, posters, advertisements, etc also.
Below are more Photo Retouching examples...
I was hired to do this next photo. The customer gave me permission
to use it on my site.
Here is a great picture of a little boy, but the background clutter is
very distracting, and the focus is taken away from the boy due to all the
busy background. This one needed lots of work.

And Now... Magic! No more background problems...
just an adorable little boy with a horse in a great photo that captures a
priceless moment.!
The man, horse trailer, and lead rope were removed. The hand on the
horse's neck was also erased.
The background was fixed, and the horse's neck was also repaired where the
hand was removed.

Here is another example of fixing many background problems. I did
this one a long time ago and my retouching skills are better now, but it
is still a good example of background problems that can be fixed.
This is
the original picture...

And here
it is after A LOT of fixing! This was one of my first fix-it photos,
and I can do much better now, but this is a good example of clutter, and
background problems but the horse is in pretty good shape.
I can also take the horse out of the original background, and put
him in a different background.
See examples of that below.
I was hired to fix the following picture for Laurie Smith of Texas
after she lost her beloved "Poker" (Triple Seven Poker) and wanted to do a memorial plaque for
him but did not have a good photo of him. Here is an example of
Several Extreme problems with a photo. Major problems with mesh fence in front of the
horse, lighting problems, and background problems, and the handler's hat
to covering Poker's ear, and Poker is making a really ugly face... so this
one was my biggest challenge of all... but considering the poor quality of
the original photo... I think it turned out Fantastic, and Laurie was very
She gave me permission to use these photos on my site.
This is the original photo of Poker.

Here is a brightened enlargement of Poker's face.

After MANY long hours of work to fix the photo... this was the new and
improved version.
This is also a good example of removing a horse from a bad background,
and putting him in a better background.

Here is another example of Improvements to a
photo with fewer problems.

Here is another good example... This was the original picture.
Too dark, and you couldn't even see the classy colt that was walking
beside his mother.

I can solve that! Take Mom out, and brighten, and fix, and repair,
and Walaaa!
THERE is that classy baby!

Here is one more example
of a photo with problems with the background, and something in front of
the horse too. I also gave them a little 'tummy tuck' to help with
the grass bellies!
This one took a

Or Change the Time of Year!

To Spring... with green grass...

Or this one... I took this picture of my stallion, Skeezixs Bob, in the
Winter. I removed a few small background problems, and also removed
the handler, lead rope, and handler's shadow from this picture. By
looking at this picture... you would never know there was a person in

The following picture was my first attempt to remove a horse from one
background, and put him in another scene. I can do better now, but
this one was my first one. Now... it is Summer!

Ok... last example...
This was a photo that Skeezix's previous owner sent me, when I was making
the decision to buy him.

And this one is after I made lots of improvements to it...
The first thing I did was remove the red bucket, but I literally had to
create a new face from the eyes down, complete with halter. Then there
are lots of small improvements... like removing the blue bucket from
behind him, creating more fencing from where buckets were removed, and
also removing the really dirty places from some of the boards. I
also made the sky blue.
Now... it is a better picture.

for Photo Retouching
If you have a photo you would
like to have retouched, and improved...
please send a scan of your photo
to me as an email attachment if possible.
Always explain in "Subject line" what it is, and that it is for
photo-retouching. Blank subject lines, or something too simple like
"Hello" will always get deleted before opened. Please include a note
explaining exactly what you would like to have done with the photo and always include a phone number, and the best time to call, so we can visit about
your photo together. I can give you a quote for retouching after I see
it and we discuss it.
Prices for Photo Retouching
starts at $10, and go up from there, depending on the time it
will take to fix your photo.
If you mail the photos to me, please include a self addressed,
stamped envelope for the return
of the photos. Not responsible for lost photos in the mail.
There is a $5 fee for each photo
I need to scan here. If sending photos by email, please Do Not reduce
them, or crop them. Send them as scanned, or the whole digital
picture, and don't reduce the pixels
or size.
Send digital or scanned photos to:
Mail photos to: Bedonna's Photo Retouching,
21865 US Hwy 62, Snyder, OK.
You can also call me at 580-471-4040 and we can talk about a photo you
would like fixed.
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Maintained, Edited & Updated Daily by Bedonna
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without written permission from Bedonna Dismore.